We will start our article
with a common misconception that a pig can be fed with anything. This is not true. The only truth is that the pig is not picky in food, and eats almost everything. But this does not mean that such food will male its body healthy, and the meat will be of high quality. Well, we also eat fast food, although it is harmful. Let’s figure out how to make a healthy diet for pigs and what kind of feed for piglets to buy. Before proceeding with the preparation of the diet, we must know some of the features of the organism of these animals at different stages of their development.Нашу статью
мы начнем с распространенного заблуждения, что свинью можно кормить чем попало. Это неверно. Верно лишь то, что свинья в пище не переборчива, и ест почти все. Но это не значит, что от такой пищи ее организм станет здоровым, а мясо качественным. Мы ведь с вами тоже едим фастфуд, хотя это вредно.
Давайте разбираться, как составить здоровый рацион для свиней и какие корма поросятам купить. Прежде, чем приступить к составлению рациона, мы должны знать некоторые особенности организма этих животных на разных этапах их развития.
Piglets growth stages
There are three main stages in the development of piglets: dairy, nursery and fattening.- Dairy period. This is the period of a piglet’s life in which they suckle their mother’s milk. It lasts from birth to two months. At this stage, milk, if not the only, then the main part of their diet. During this period, the body of piglets spends a huge amount of energy on growth and development. Before the pups reach the age of 30 days, their stomach is too small to contain the required amount of food. Therefore, the frequency of feeding is 6-7 times a day. The weight of monthly individuals can reach ten kilograms. At the age of over 30 days, babies no longer have enough milk that their mother has. Therefore, squabbles and a struggle for food begin between them. In the process of which this small society has its own hierarchy. The digestive system got stronger and began to produce hydrochloric acid. Therefore, at this time it is customary to start introducing new products into the diet: milk porridge, sour-milk products.
- Growing. The beginning of this period is considered to be the separation of the cubs from the uterus. This happens at the age of about 60 days. The weight of such piglets can reach 20 or even more kilograms. The transitional period lasts about a week, at which time the number of contacts with the uterus is reduced. After it is completely removed from the room, the piglets are left in it for a few more weeks. At this stage of development, the digestive and other systems of the internal organs are sufficiently developed and coordinated to switch to dry food, succulent herbs, vegetables and root crops. Experienced livestock breeders call this period the most optimal to buy feed for piglets and start a gradual transition to a new nutrition system. This stage of development is characterized by active weight gain. An increase of about five hundred grams per day is considered optimal. Last on average until the piglets reach the age of 120 days.
- Feeding period. It is characterized by the completion of the development and formation of vital systems, and the beginning of the stage of active mass gain. The task of the breeder at this moment is to correctly develop a diet and organize an optimal feeding regimen in order to obtain maximum weight gain. Diets and regimens may vary slightly depending on the end goal of growing: meat, lard or bacon. An increase of over 600 grams per day is considered optimal. Thus, at the age of 180 days, individuals weigh about one hundred kilograms. Combined feeds are most often used as nutrition at this stage of development, since they have a balanced composition containing all groups of nutrients. Do not require time costs. And also give the maximum rate of weight gain among other power systems.
Whatever feeding system you choose, follow two rules:
- Diversity. The diet should include a variety of foods so that the final composition contains the full range of essential nutrients, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
- Ratio. Everything is good in moderation! It is important to maintain the correct ratio of components. Otherwise, failures in the operation of various systems are inevitable. Both deficiency and excess are harmful to the health of the animal.

Our article has come to an end! Wishing you great growth rates!
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