+7 (4725) 415−501

Shop (Kotovo, 59 Mira Street):
Mon-Sun 8:30-20:00
Break from 12:00-12:30
Purchasing Department:
Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00
+7 (920) 574-25-95

Opening hours: shop in Kotovo village from 8:30 to 20:00, Mon-Sun, break from 12:00 to 12:30

Sales Department, Purchasing Department works from 8:00 to 17:00, with no breaks, Mon-Fri Weekend: Sat, Sun.

About goslings, we can say for sure

they are not hard to take care of. But anyway care for them in the first month of life should be given with special attention. This time is when the immunity of the bird, its bone and muscle structure is formed. Therefore, the first month of a gosling’s life is considered the most important time. The period after reaching the age of one month is already considered a period of not development, but fattening, active weight gain. What should be included in the feed for goslings in the first 30 days to ensure their healthy development?

О гусятах можно с уверенностью сказать,

что в содержании они не привередливы. Но уходу за ними в первый месяц жизни стоит уделить особое внимание. Именно в это время формируется иммунитет птицы, ее костная и мышечная структура. Поэтому первый месяц жизни гусёнка считается самым важным временем. Период, после достижения месячного возраста, считается уже периодом не развития, а откорма, активного набора массы. Что же должен включать в себя корм для гусят в первые 30 дней, чтобы обеспечить им здоровое развитие?

First weeks


The first thing a chick should receive after hatching is water. It should be clean, fresh and easily accessible. The first week you need to change the water 3 times a day. From two weeks to a month water should be given 2 times. Further, once a day. Although geese are considered hardy birds, the water temperature is important during this period. In summer, it should not be too warm and of a room temperature. During the cold period, water can be given at room temperature or slightly warmer, but not hot.

First meal

Poultry scientists believe that the sooner after hatching the first feeding occurs, the stronger the body of the bird will be in the future. It should consist mainly of carbohydrates and protein. A hard-boiled egg yolk is perfect. It will become the main diet of chicks for the first couple of days of life. You need to feed 8 times a day, every 2-3 hours, until the age of 5 days.

First diet

From day 2, cereals are added to the eggs, you can give a mash. You can give the mash for a period of no more than 20 minutes, then it is unusable. The size of the daily portions may vary depending on the breed, but the ratio of the components will be relatively the same.

The composition of the mixer:

  • hard-boiled eggs (20%);
  • tear corn (50%);
  • crushed wheat grain (10%);
  • ground barley groats (15%);
  • crumbles, for friability (5%).

Ensuring such a frequency of feeding in compliance with all norms is quite costly in terms of time and finances. Many poultry farmers advise using starter feed. It will save time and provide the bird with a balanced diet. Because of its consistency and structure, it is excellent for the digestion of birds.

5 to 10 days

The system is changing. The frequency of feeding should be 4-5 times a day. The composition of the feed also changes. New ingredients are being introduced. Now you need to add greens to the previous diet. You can add young green onions or meadow herbs. Yarrow, dandelion, clover, alfalfa and others. Greens should be introduced gradually. Add one component at a time and monitor the well-being of the birds. Also, the diet can now be replenished: cottage cheese, sunflower cake, crushed potatoes. Potatoes can replace about 20% of corn. After 10 days, chickens can be transferred to fattening feed.

What should be the diet of poultry:

Complete feed for poultry

More about feed for broiler chickens:

Compound feed for broiler chickens from 0 to 7 days
Compound feed for broiler chickens from 1 to 5 weeks

Rules for feeding ducklings, more here:

Compound feed for ducklings

14 -30 days

For goslings that have reached the age of two weeks, chopped raw vegetables can be added to the diet. But add gradually and monitor your well-being. It is recommended to change the drinkers to larger ones so that the chickens can bathe in them. Iron bowls and basins work well. It is recommended to add potassium permanganate to the water to avoid problems with digestion and development.

By the middle of the third week, you can add boiled peas. You have to be careful with him. It is useful, but still heavy for digestion. At the end of the third week, babies are transferred to a walking diet. At this age, they already know how to forage on their own. Therefore, it is advisable to let them graze. Grass should now become as much a part of the diet as feed and grain. It is already possible to reduce the degree of grinding of grain and crush it. It is good if at this age the chickens have the opportunity to graze near the pond. Since they love to swim and nibble on algae, which are extremely beneficial for them. You can also pour chopped vegetables into the water (if there is no strong current). Geese are very smart birds, they not only know how to get their own food, but also orient themselves well on the ground. Therefore, after reaching the age of 40 days or gaining weight over 2 kg, they can be released alone.