+7 (4725) 415−501

Shop (Kotovo, 59 Mira Street):
Mon-Sun 8:30-20:00
Break from 12:00-12:30
Purchasing Department:
Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00
+7 (920) 574-25-95

Opening hours: shop in Kotovo village from 8:30 to 20:00, Mon-Sun, break from 12:00 to 12:30

Sales Department, Purchasing Department works from 8:00 to 17:00, with no breaks, Mon-Fri Weekend: Sat, Sun.

Geese are one of the most

autonomous and unpretentious species of poultry. They have a fairly high level of intelligence, so they are able not only to independently find their own food, but also to navigate the terrain perfectly. However, if you are raising poultry for meat and stable weight growth is important to you, then you should take the choice of diet with all care. Therefore, for feeding geese at the fattening stage, poultry farmers are advised to use compound feed. Because independent production of food is highly dependent on external factors.

In the absence of a grazing area or in the cold season, the bird cannot get enough food for itself. Compound feed in this regard is static. By giving it, you can always be sure that pets receive the full range of essential nutrients. At the same time, nothing forbids you, if you wish and theopportunity to diversify the diet with other types of food. Just now you do not depend on external factors and you can always be sure of the stability of the growth of your farm.

However, it’s important to understand that the feed industry is quite extensive. There are a huge number of varieties of feed for different biological species and their ages. And if you choose the wrong feed for geese, the price of the issue can become very high. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to understand what products and in what proportion should be present in the diet of geese so that the food can be considered balanced.

Balanced Diet

In this article, we will analyze the criteria for a balanced diet for geese older than 30 days. So, at the age of 30 days, the goslings’ nutrition system changes.

From the period of active development, they pass into the period of active weight gain, fattening. This period should begin with a reduction in the protein part and an increase in the nutritional value of the feed. That is, its carbohydrate component. Grains are an excellent source of carbohydrates.

Also, at the time of active weight gain, bone meal or shell rock should be added to the diet. They are sources of animal protein and minerals. Which are necessary for the skeleton and muscles of the bird to quickly adapt the body to rapid weight gain. Another essential nutrient is sunflower cake. It is rich in vitamins. In addition, it contains unsaturated fats, which act as an energy store and body heater. Without fat, the absorption of some vitamins is impossible..

You need to feed the bird three times a day. In the warm season, a lunch meal can be replaced by grazing, fresh grass. In addition to meadow herbs, it is useful to diversify the meal with fresh peas. This is a source of vegetable protein, very useful for poultry, and has a positive effect on weight gain.
Approximate diet:
  • corn (20%),
  • boiled mashed potatoes (20%),
  • wheat (15%),
  • barley (10%),
  • oats (10%),
  • carrots or pumpkin (10%),
  • sunflower cake (5%),
  • shell rock or bone meal (5%),
  • peas (5%).

An approximate diet has been described above. But it is worth mentioning that this is not an ironclad feeding rule. It can be deviated from and some products in it are interchangeable. The main thing is that certain types of them are present in the diet.

The types are:
  • cereals,
  • beans,
  • waste of grain and food production,
  • cake (sunflower or soy),
  • vegetables and root crops,
  • minerals (chalk, shell rock, salt),
  • vitamins.

Foods that should not be given to geese

  • missing products;
  • fresh or moldy bread;
  • poisonous products, their seeds and pollen (ragweed, quinoa, lily of the valley);
  • salt.

Attention! Salt is an important mineral, it is necessary and useful for the bird’s body, but only in a limited amount. It is impossible that the share of salt in the daily diet exceeded 0.5%.

You have read the article to the end! And this means that now you know what should be included in a balanced compound feed for geese. Happy shopping and thank you for staying with us!

What should be the diet of poultry:
Complete feed for poultry

What to feed adult ducks and geese? Read here:
Compound feed for ducks and geese