Before getting to the point,
let’s spend some time on the details. Broilers are birds of a meat orientation, specially bred by selection. Some write it’s a bird of the broiler breed. This statement is not entirely correct. A broiler is a classification of a bird according to the purpose of its use. This type of chicken is bred by crossing different breeds. Broilers are characterized by rapid weight gain, wide breasts and strong legs. The meat of such chickens is soft and suitable for frying. An important feature of these individuals is the inability to transmit their data by inheritance. Now back to the main topic of the article. What feed do broilers older than 5 weeks need?Прежде чем перейти к сути,
давайте уделим немного времени деталям. Бройлеры — это птицы мясной направленности, специально выведенные путем селекции. Некоторые пишут: птица породы ≪бройлер≫. Это высказывание не совсем корректно. Бройлер это классификация птицы по цели ее использования. Выводят такой тип кур путем скрещивания различных пород. Характеризуются бройлеры быстрым набором массы, широкой грудкой и крепкими ногами. Мясо таких кур мягкое и пригодно для жарки. Важной особенностью этих особей является неспособность передавать свои данные по наследству. Теперь вернемся к основной теме статьи. Какой нужен корм для бройлеров старше 5 недель?Diet for broilers older than 5 weeks
After the chick reaches the age of one month, the nutrition system changes. The goal of the new diet is fattening and weight gain. It is considered final. The amount of protein in it is reduced, and the amount of carbohydrates increases. Now all feed will consist mainly of cereals. They enhance the taste of meat.
Approximate composition of the final diet:
- corn (20%),
- peas (10%),
- sunflower cake (5%),
- wheat groats (25%),
- barley (25%),
- soy (20%).
Grain at this age can be given uncrushed.
Since the body of the bird is already strong enough, such a frequent change of water and disinfection is no longer required. Now it is enough to change once a day and disinfect the drinker once every two weeks. But keeping the water clean is a must. It is necessary to place the drinker in such a way that it is convenient for the birds to drink from it, but it is not possible to climb into it with their feet. Otherwise, dirt and droppings from the paws can enter the bird’s esophagus with water and cause poisoning. In some cases, even death is possible. Be careful. Poultry farmers say that at this stage, the broiler absorbs feed better than other types of food. The level of exchange energy received from the same amount of substance is higher for him. Therefore, compound feed not only reduces the overall cost of feed, but also increases the rate of weight gain. Therefore, it is excellent as a finishing diet.

Useful feed additives
In the previous paragraph, we described only those products that must be in the feed without fail. In this paragraph, we will talk about the components that can be supplemented and diversified in the bird’s diet. They are optional at this stage, but can further strengthen the health of the bird and saturate the body with useful trace elements. Dairy products are a good source of animal protein. Such as:- reverse,
- serum,
- low-fat fresh cottage cheese,
- buttermilk,
- serum,
- milk (not fresh, not sour).
- nettle;
- clover;
- alfalfa;
- fresh peas.