Product categories

Contact Information

309541, Russia, Belgorod region, Starooskolsky district, Kotovo village, Mira street, 59
Phone number:
+7 (4725) 415-501
+7 (4725) 233-443


Social media:

Our specialists

For retail buyers +7 (920) 574-25-95

(You can also use this phone number tosend your suggestions, comments onproduct quality or other questions regarding the retail sale of compound feed)

Для розничных покупателей

+7 (908) 781-33-39

(По данному номеру телефона Вы также можете передать свои предложения, замечания к качеству продукции или иные вопросы, касающиеся розничной продажи комбикорма)

Sales department

Evgeny Nikulin

Head of Sales Department

+7 (930) 086-60-01


Oleg Bobrikov

Anton Volobuev

Purchasing Department

Olga Polegaeva

Evgeny Sergienko

The Manager of the procurement division

+7 (904) 090-68-64


Logistics Department

All the questions or appeals to the management of the plant, you may address to the Assistant Manager.